I’m in a copywriting kick at the moment, which jostled a dusty To Do item that I actually… never did. So a year ago I gave BLACK HEART, RED RUBY’s back cover copy a makeover and like the super organized person that I am, I forgot to … tell you.
While I like the old BHRR blurb (it was my query letter… the successful one), it’s still a query letter with different expectations and much more formal rules. You must mention the name and age of your protagonist, you must mention the name of the love interest, and there’s a tendency to finish with the ‘will she save the world/get the boy/find herself” question. Also, a very wise someone told me they didn’t understand “macabre” which tells me I was using a dreaded $5 word.
For this new copy, I threw away the rules and pretensions.
Awaaay we go:
A ruby red obsession…
Rock bottom. Familiar with it?
I’m living it.
It’s a high school expulsion and a dead end job.
A future as a pathetic nobody.
But you know what they say about rock bottom?
There’s nowhere to go but up.
I’ve got an ace up my sleeve. Or rather…a ruby.
Priceless. Magical.
A wicked jewel that can raise the dead.
There’s only one problem.
I don’t have it…
It’s hidden in an old mansion by the sea.
You know the kind. There’s one in every small town.
A house with an overgrown lawn and a grave or two.
Locals whisper about the ruby’s bloody history.
Tales of murder, madness, and curses…
But that’s just a load of crap.
Made up to scare off treasure hunters and tomb raiders.
Good thing I’m neither of the above.
I’m just a girl trying to make ends meet.
Every story needs a hero.
Every hero sheds a little blood…